Thursday, February 3, 2011


Our next to last day in Krivoy Rig and it snowed!  When we walk to the market this moring it was snowing pretty hard it was sticking on our faces and covering our coats.  We had a mission at the market today, we had Vika's going away party this evening and we had a list of things we wanted to get. We also wanted to have some breakfast for tomorrow because Joe and Ginger Rose are going to be here around 7am and we want to have something prepared for them. For the party we had chips, juice, two cakes, and 6 pizzas from the pizza shop. ( we ordered the pizza ahead of time, then stopped for them on our way to the home.)
When we arrived at the childrens home the girls had the group room decorated with ballons and angles, hanging from the ceiling, it was very nice.  Anslee helped me get the plates out and pour the drinks, she made sure everyone had a pizza and a drink and put the chips on plates. Before we ate all the girls said something nice about Vika and the teacher gave a speach that made Vika cry, I was crying to and I could not understand a word she said, but the teacher had tears in her eyes while she was speaking. The one girl told Vika she was the best of best. After that we all did a cheers with our cups and ate.
The girls in this group are like sisters, and before we left Vika said to us good girls and pointed to her group. We can not disagree, there are so many wonderful talented and smart girls.  We can only imagine how hard it is going to be for Vika to leave her family, because this has been her family for as long as she can remember. There will be tears, we are crying and we have only know the girls for a month, and most of them we have not seen every day. Pray that we have a good departure tomorrow, and that Vika will begin to look to us as her family, as she has looked to the girls in the past.


  1. I am certain that once you leave the confines of the orphanage that you will be the most important people in her life! Hopefully, I can still hold the title of da-da Eric...(uncle Eric for the non-Russian speakers!)Prayin' for a bonding that is beyond anything you can imagine!!

  2. Travel safely! We enjoy your blog and have great faith that you both and Vika will be a most loving, wonderful family!
