Thursday, December 16, 2010


We made it! And we have internet (thank you Sasha). Our plane trip was uneventful, the airports were easy enough to find our way around. The flight from Dulles to Germany was cramped to say the least, but we survived. By the time we arrived in Ukraine it was dark out, so we did not see much driving from the airport. We are in a nice apartment, it has a living room, bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. Sasha took us to the market when we arrived, it was a fairly large store with good selection.  I could reconize some lables but Sasha helped us choose most of our items.
Yesterday we did very little.  We slept, read and went for a short walk.  We tried to locate the market that was close to us but we went the wrong direction.  Mick found the marktet today.  Our apartment building is behind a school and we got to see all the kids leaving for the day.  It is very cold here we would guess 14 or 15 degrees. 
We had our SDA appointment today, we left at 8:20 and were back after 10:00.  There was not much to the appointment.  They showed us a picture of Vika, she must have been 5, she was so cute in that picture!  Her parents had their rights terminated and she has been in the orphanage since 2001.  She also has a 17 year old brother and we will have to get separation before the adoption.  Vika's birthday is April 2nd,  She had told us it was April 1st, but it is the second. 
We have talked with Eric and Cindy on the phone, they are in Krivey Rig, we will not be leaving for Krivey until Sunday evening.  We can collect our SDA paperwork tomorrow, but we can not meet with the orphange director until Monday.

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