Friday, January 28, 2011

Birth Certificate

At 8:30 this morning we left are apartment with Sveta to start the process to change Vika's birth certificate. (We are listed as her partents and her last name is changed to McCracken) We also received our court resolution today, which means Vika is offically ours. It was a long day, with a lot of waiting every where we went. For spending most of the day sitting in the car I am wore out and still thawing out.
We did not get to the childrens home until 5, and the kids seemed a little off. They got better as the evening went on, and by the time we left they were excited about going ice skating tomorrow.  Yes we are going skating again, we ask the girls what they wanted to do and they said ice skate. We enjoy getting to take them out to have fun. Oh, How could I forget! we have a flight booked! YEAH!! The 10th of Feburary, it  may sound far off but after being here for almost 3 weeks it does not sounds that far off to us.


  1. Congratulations!!!!!!

    Fr. George

  2. Yeahhhh!!!! So glad to hear you are able to start moving along with things! This is when things will start to go fast....well, like you said, there is a lot of waiting. At least you will get out and do productive things and now have a date to come home! We will continue to pray for you all!
